Kong Sez: Three Days Darkness Straight Ahead ?
Watch The Kong Reports!
Kong Sez:
Folks, I just finished talking with Dr. "B." It's 7:00 in the morning here in the Swiss Alps. I asked him, "I am hearing from authentic, real scientists now about the Three Days Darkness. They say it is coming! Get this. Reputable scientists are now talking about the coming Three Days Darkness in the not-too-distant future, somewhere between 3 and 4 years hence.
They say it is an astronomical thing that is coming to Planet Earth, possibly because of the Galactic Plane. (This is the first time I have heard them mention that term in regard to what is happening on Planet Earth, and the prophesied comet that is coming, which goes by the name of Nibiru, or Planet X.)
I can always depend on Dr. "B" to make things clearer. I asked him, "How can we get through this Three Days of Darkness?" This is what he said.
"Kong, I'll tell you, but I can almost assure you after what you sent up today, and what we discussed earlier, if many are not following the proscriptions and prescriptions for Microbiology of Foods safety, I don't think anyone will follow this advice. Some of it comes directly from the Church's early, very early, saints. Christ had been crucified not more than about 30 years before when these utterances first were given.
"The first thing that has been given, and it has been given by numerous saints who performed prodigies, healings, and miracles of every kind that can only come from the Triune God of the Holy Writ.
Get a blessed wax candle.
"At that time, the protesters had not come upon the scene, so this prescription was for a blessed wax candle from an ordained priest. One might be able to do this from an ordained minister, if he knows how to do the ritual for a blessed wax candle.
"Now, Kong," Dr. "B" said, "Hold that thought, and we will pull it together after I give you some biochemistry.
"'Darkness is stressful and catabolic. For example, in aging people, the morning urine contains nearly all of the calcium lost during the 24-hour period, and mitochondria are especially sensitive to the destructive effects of darkness. Sleep reduces the destructive catabolic effects of darkness. During the rapid-eye-movement (dreaming) phase of sleep, breathing is inhibited, and the level of carbon dioxide in the tissues accumulates. In restful sleep, the oxygen tension is frequently low enough, and the carbon dioxide tension high enough, to trigger the multipication of stem cells and mitochondria.' — Ray Peat's Newsletter, "Protective CO2 and Aging," March, 2010.
"The Three Days Darkness, Kong, appears to be the last thing God hits us with during this Chastisement, and it appears that this is where He will do His final stroke of justice of a scorned God. Many are going to die because they are not going to follow the precepts He has given for centuries, since He left Planet Earth. This is going to be a long, dark night, where every demon from hell will be claiming someone if they can and taking them to the infernal judge. Think about what Dr. Peat just said. This is extremely important. Darkness is a catabolic and a stressful state—remember all that we have been writing about stress and the breakdown of tissue. But why doesn't this happen in sleep? Because of the rapid eye movement, the dreaming state, where carbon dioxide accumulates and it causes stem cells to multiply, as well as the powerhouse of the cell, the mitochondria. Let's give this in more of a schematic diagram.
"T3, the active form of thyroid hormone, increases the mitochondria's uncoupling proteins, and this generates new mitochondria, which increases carbon dioxide in tissues. Therefore, one should check with his physician or these online pharmacies in Canada, India, the world over, and should get the thyroid hormone T3, not T4. One should also get, from their local health food store, progesterone cream, not the synthetic progestins.
"Therefore, one should have the following for the Three Days Darkness:
- "A Blessed Wax Candle
- "T3 Hormone; 25 mcg (we did NOT say mg!) broken into fourths. When the Three Days Darkness commences, take 1/4 in the morning on an empty stomach, remaining that way for at least 30 to 40 minutes, then 1/4 at 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
- "Rub a small dab of Progesterone cream (not the synthetic progestins) on the shoulders and forearms morning and night.
- "Get a blessed Holy Bible, and through this time spend it in prayer and in reading the Holy Scriptures, or if you are Catholic, practically every one of these Church saints added, Pray the Rosary with understanding, a thing not done by the Modern Catholic anymore!
"In my book, The Two-Fold Chastisement: Visions of the Coming Earth Changes, we explain all this and more. Some of these seers of the Church answered to the question, "Where will all the demons be when this happens?"
"On earth, during the Three Days Darkness. Hell will be practically empty!"
"It appears that this coming Chastisement, from within and from without, that we have been writing about for so long, will have its finale with the Three Days Darkness. You want to get through this unscathed, because if your mitochondrial and your spiritual self are not together, are not up and running, with the high estrogen mimetics, as well as a very popular health food item right now, resveratrol, interferes with the production of carbon dioxide from the mitochondria. Those two chemicals cause skin cells to stop dividing as well as take up calcium, creating horny keratin material, which forms an effective barrier in the largest organ of the body, the skin.
"Kong, do you remember my saying that people are not getting enough vitamin C to form collagen? Well, estrogen and resveratrol will also undo the people because what is coming from the stars, and the ash from this planet at that time, such that you want an effective skin barrier."
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